Monday, February 28, 2011

Re: [MANCiNGiKANMaS] Selamat Ulang Tahun Wira Liu


masa doa mau dipohonin ....emang bisa wir???
Best Regrads

From: wiraliu <>
Sent: Mon, February 28, 2011 1:05:14 PM
Subject: Re: [MANCiNGiKANMaS] Selamat Ulang Tahun Wira Liu


Makasih teman2 semua atas doa dan ucapan selamat ULTAHnya, doa yang sama kupohonkan untuk teman2 semua..., sorry baru bisa balas sekarang soalnya minggu lalu full keluar kota dan ngak dapat akses email.

Wira Pusat Kredit Komputer online ~ Best Computer leasing online store, Sekarang Kredit Komputer, Notebook/Laptop akan lebih mudah!!!, TANPA DP!!! TANPA DP!!! TANPA DP!!! semua bisa dilakukan online… HOTLINE : 021-6017762

Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 03:29:25 +0000
Subject: Re: [MANCiNGiKANMaS] Selamat Ulang Tahun Wira Liu


Selamat ulang tahun, ko wira, smoga makin sukses, sehat dan bahagia ditahun2 mendatang


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Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 09:55:00 +0700
Subject: [MANCiNGiKANMaS] Selamat Ulang Tahun Wira Liu


Wira, Selamat Ulang tahun…

Semoga selalu dilimpahkan kebahagiaan dan makin sukses


Salam mincing,


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[fishingtheusaandcanada] I was sick of never feeling good enough now everybody seems to envy me this was the best advice I could have taken im really only asking for a minute of your time you have everything to gain
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Re: [tropical fish club] White spots
Look around this site do they look like this?
Do the white spots look like salt? Donna

From: Lori <>

Hello to the group
I have noticed tiny white spots on the pectoral fin of my jack dempsey
she seems to look healthy
i also notice in the morning , when i turn her light on
their are tiny white worms on the glass they do move you can slightly
see them with the naked eye,about a hr later their gone.
I only feed her crickets mostly and cichlid crisps
she will not eat anything else other than that her diet consists of crickets
Thank you for listening

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [tropical fish club] Leaping Lizards my Platy babies are growing fast.


I like to get to know my fish's personality before I name them or my kids name
I have Glub Blub the golddfish (kids) Mr and Mrs. Lector (they eat their
baby's) (me), Grumpy (me) we had frogs named hopaway, corn flakes and orange
juice.... The other's are not named as yet. Donna

From: Erika <>

My three fry that were born in my thirty-five gallon tank are getting bigger.
They say strength in numbers and even though there are only three they are
getting bigger and stronger every day. They come up to the surface to eat with
the much bigger fish that happen to be mom and dad.

I have been making sure to break up the food so that they got enough to eat with
as little waste as possible. While I had been feeding them in this way, I
happened to notice some movement coming from one of the plants.
Sure enough, we have two more babies.I know this is nothing when it comes to
Fry(three hundred is a lot)but never the less five is exciting for me.
They are so cute.
When I bought my fish at the fish store they had said that Platy's wont' mind
other species of the same kind of fish. For instance a Ocean Dusk Platy can mate
with a regular Platy.

Considering the five babies I would have to agree that Platy's aren't that fussy
when it comes to picking a Platy mate.
I am happy to have gotten five babies. They are really cute. I have been making
sure the new babies get enough food too with out over feeding that is. I only
give them food for five minutes and then only small amounts at a time.

Plus, just in case I do a water change once a week.
I need to name my babies so if anyone has any ideas I am open to suggestions.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [tropical fish club] Leaping Lizards my Platy babies are growing fast.


Baby's are a blast no doubt about it!


> I have been making sure to break up the food so that they
> got enough to eat with as little waste as possible. While I
> had been feeding them in this way, I happened to notice some
> movement coming from one of the plants.
> Sure enough, we have two more babies.I know this is
> nothing when it comes to Fry(three hundred is a lot)but
> never the less five is exciting for me.
> They are so cute.
> Erika.
> When I bought my fish at the fish store they had said that
> Platy's wont' mind other species of the same kind of fish.
> For instance a Ocean Dusk Platy can mate with a regular
> Platy.
> Considering the five babies I would have to agree that
> Platy's aren't that fussy when it comes to picking a Platy
> mate.
> I am happy to have gotten five babies. They are really
> cute. I have been making sure the new babies get enough food
> too with out over feeding that is. I only give them food for
> five minutes and then only small amounts at a time.
> Plus, just in case I do a water change once a week.
> I need to name my babies so if anyone has any ideas I am
> open to suggestions.
> Thanks.
> Erika
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: [tropical fish club] White spots


Can you tell us more about the tank she lives in?  What size?  How long its been set up?  How often you're doing water changes?  How much each time?  What kind of filter(s) are you running (make/model)?  Water parameters for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH?  How often do you feed her?  How much at a time?  Water temp?

The more you can tell us about her (how big is she?  tank mates?  if so, what and how many of each?) and her tank the faster we can help you. 


Dawn Moneyhan
Aquatics Specialist/Nutritionist
To learn more about me go to

--- On Mon, 2/28/11, Lori <> wrote:

From: Lori <>
Subject: [tropical fish club] White spots
Date: Monday, February 28, 2011, 8:21 PM


Hello to the group

I have noticed tiny white spots on the pectoral fin of my jack dempsey

she seems to look healthy

i also notice in the morning , when i turn her light on

their are tiny white worms on the glass they do move you can slightly

see them with the naked eye,about a hr later their gone.

I only feed her crickets mostly and cichlid crisps

she will not eat anything else other than that her diet consists of crickets mostly

Thank you for listening


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:


Re: [tropical fish club] Leaping Lizards my Platy babies are growing fast.


Hi Erika,

I know what you mean about your platy babies being so cute. When I find new baby guppies in my tank, I always smile. It's a great sight! I hope yours will continue to grow well. Don't be alarmed if you lose one or two, that can happen. But your Mama & Papa Platy will surely present you with more about once a month.

About names, I really don't know. I named my male rainbowfish for letters of the Greek alphabaet (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.) so that I could remember who was oldest/biggest/"alpha" but that wouldn't really work for your batch of fry. I'm sure you will come up with some good ones.

Best wishes to you,

Peace, please!

--- On Mon, 2/28/11, Erika <> wrote:

> From: Erika <>
> Subject: [tropical fish club] Leaping Lizards my Platy babies are growing fast.
> To:
> Date: Monday, February 28, 2011, 9:22 PM
> My three fry that were born in my
> thirty-five gallon tank are getting bigger. They say
> strength in numbers and even though there are only three
> they are getting bigger and stronger every day. They come up
> to the surface to eat with the much bigger fish that happen
> to be mom and dad.
> I have been making sure to break up the food so that they
> got enough to eat with as little waste as possible. While I
> had been feeding them in this way, I happened to notice some
> movement coming from one of the plants.
> Sure enough, we have two more babies.I know this is
> nothing when it comes to Fry(three hundred is a lot)but
> never the less five is exciting for me.
> They are so cute.
> Erika.
> When I bought my fish at the fish store they had said that
> Platy's wont' mind other species of the same kind of fish.
> For instance a Ocean Dusk Platy can mate with a regular
> Platy.
> Considering the five babies I would have to agree that
> Platy's aren't that fussy when it comes to picking a Platy
> mate.
> I am happy to have gotten five babies. They are really
> cute. I have been making sure the new babies get enough food
> too with out over feeding that is. I only give them food for
> five minutes and then only small amounts at a time.
> Plus, just in case I do a water change once a week.
> I need to name my babies so if anyone has any ideas I am
> open to suggestions.
> Thanks.
> Erika
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Recent Activity:


[tropical fish club] Leaping Lizards my Platy babies are growing fast.


My three fry that were born in my thirty-five gallon tank are getting bigger. They say strength in numbers and even though there are only three they are getting bigger and stronger every day. They come up to the surface to eat with the much bigger fish that happen to be mom and dad.
I have been making sure to break up the food so that they got enough to eat with as little waste as possible. While I had been feeding them in this way, I happened to notice some movement coming from one of the plants.
Sure enough, we have two more babies.I know this is nothing when it comes to Fry(three hundred is a lot)but never the less five is exciting for me.
They are so cute.
When I bought my fish at the fish store they had said that Platy's wont' mind other species of the same kind of fish. For instance a Ocean Dusk Platy can mate with a regular Platy.
Considering the five babies I would have to agree that Platy's aren't that fussy when it comes to picking a Platy mate.
I am happy to have gotten five babies. They are really cute. I have been making sure the new babies get enough food too with out over feeding that is. I only give them food for five minutes and then only small amounts at a time.
Plus, just in case I do a water change once a week.
I need to name my babies so if anyone has any ideas I am open to suggestions.

Recent Activity:


[tropical fish club] White spots


Hello to the group
I have noticed tiny white spots on the pectoral fin of my jack dempsey
she seems to look healthy
i also notice in the morning , when i turn her light on
their are tiny white worms on the glass they do move you can slightly
see them with the naked eye,about a hr later their gone.
I only feed her crickets mostly and cichlid crisps
she will not eat anything else other than that her diet consists of crickets mostly
Thank you for listening

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[fishingtheusaandcanada] Cold water may have killed fish, shrimp in SC -

CHARLESTON, S.C. The Natural Resources Department says cold water may have
killed fish and shrimp along the South Carolina coast.

The Post and Courier of Charleston reported Monday that early samples were
lower than expected for sea trout. Officials say that's a bad sign for red
drum and shrimp.

Fisheries management director Mel Bell says the cold in December and January
doesn't appear to have been as bad as the winter of 2000-2001, which
destroyed virtually the entire shrimp population and many sea trout. The
agency says it took two years for shrimp to recover then and five years for
sea trout.

Hundreds of thousands of menhaden were found dead on Folly Beach in January.
Thousands of starfish were found dead on Isle of Palms in December in an
earlier cold spell.

Information from: The Post and Courier,

Fishing reduces stress and gives you a break from our modern world where everything is going a million miles per hour
Check & Clear 6
LOC: 38-54-14.60N / 097-14-09.07W

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

[fishingtheusaandcanada] I couldnt stand to let my family down any longer my friends are so proud of me now see for yourself I dont know where id be without it I know youll end up making the right choice

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Re: [MANCiNGiKANMaS] Selamat Ulang Tahun Wira Liu


makasih mas Pusat Kredit Komputer online ~ Best Computer leasing online store, Sekarang Kredit Komputer, Notebook/Laptop akan lebih mudah!!!, TANPA DP!!! TANPA DP!!! TANPA DP!!! semua bisa dilakukan online… HOTLINE : 021-6017762

On 2/28/2011 1:49 PM, Adi Wisaksono wrote:
Wir.. Met ultah ya?  On 2/28/11, wiraliu <> wrote: 
  itu issue Mang.... Pusat Kredit Komputer online ~ Best Computer leasing online store, Sekarang Kredit Komputer, Notebook/Laptop akan lebih mudah!!!, TANPA DP!!! TANPA DP!!! TANPA DP!!! semua bisa dilakukan online… HOTLINE : 021-6017762   On 2/28/2011 1:15 PM, wrote: 
    Jadi bener nih, ngabisin angpao Imlek   BlackBerry® smartphone. Rejeki Bagus, Keberuntungan Nyambung Teruuusss...!  ________________________________ From: wiraliu <> Sender: Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:05:14 +0700 To: <> ReplyTo: Subject: Re: [MANCiNGiKANMaS] Selamat Ulang Tahun Wira Liu    Makasih teman2 semua atas doa dan ucapan selamat ULTAHnya, doa yang sama kupohonkan untuk teman2 semua..., sorry baru bisa balas sekarang soalnya minggu lalu full keluar kota dan ngak dapat akses email.  salam Wira Pusat Kredit Komputer online ~ Best Computer leasing online store, Sekarang Kredit Komputer, Notebook/Laptop akan lebih mudah!!!, TANPA DP!!! TANPA DP!!! TANPA DP!!! semua bisa dilakukan online… HOTLINE : 021-6017762   
________________________________ From: Sender: Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 03:29:25 +0000 To: <> ReplyTo: Subject: Re: [MANCiNGiKANMaS] Selamat Ulang Tahun Wira Liu    Selamat ulang tahun, ko wira, smoga makin sukses, sehat dan bahagia ditahun2 mendatang  Salam Panca  Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®  ________________________________ From: "" <> Sender: Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 09:55:00 +0700 To: <> ReplyTo: Subject: [MANCiNGiKANMaS] Selamat Ulang Tahun Wira Liu    Wira, Selamat Ulang tahun…  Semoga selalu dilimpahkan kebahagiaan dan makin sukses    Salam mincing,  Sulis   

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--- 2011 nih! mancing lagi YUK!! ---

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