Saturday, April 30, 2011

Re: [tropical fish club] Re: OT-Aquarium Water Question, Need Help!


great I so hope this works!!

From: Alyce W <>
Re: OT-Aquarium Water Question, Need Help!

Will do! I have avoided baking soda except this morning when I woke up to a PH
drop to under 6.6. I think Suzy (a Froggy Friend) came up with my bio-load
problem...FILTER! I had been trying to cycle this tank so left the two sponged
untouched and hadn't rinsed the bio-bags in weeks! The whole filter housing was
full of brown gunk which I thought was my good bacteria! I cleaned the whole
thing out in warm water with a paper towel and a filter brush. I left the
sponges in a bucket of siphoned out tank water, and soaked two new carbon
filters (bio-bags) in the bucket while cleaning the filter housing. The impeller
was BROWN! Once finished, I swished and squeezed out the sponges, replaced them
and the biobags into the housing, and did a 30 to 40% water change. Water still
cloudy, but PH was 7.6, kH 125 or so at 10:00. It looks like the kH dropped a
bit because at 8:30 I needed 7 drops to turn it yellow, at 10 I needed only 6
1/2. I will test again before bed and PRAY! Thank you so much for helping me!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



[tropical fish club] Re: OT-Aquarium Water Question, Need Help!


Will do! I have avoided baking soda except this morning when I woke up to a PH drop to under 6.6. I think Suzy (a Froggy Friend) came up with my bio-load problem...FILTER! I had been trying to cycle this tank so left the two sponged untouched and hadn't rinsed the bio-bags in weeks! The whole filter housing was full of brown gunk which I thought was my good bacteria! I cleaned the whole thing out in warm water with a paper towel and a filter brush. I left the sponges in a bucket of siphoned out tank water, and soaked two new carbon filters (bio-bags) in the bucket while cleaning the filter housing. The impeller was BROWN! Once finished, I swished and squeezed out the sponges, replaced them and the biobags into the housing, and did a 30 to 40% water change. Water still cloudy, but PH was 7.6, kH 125 or so at 10:00. It looks like the kH dropped a bit because at 8:30 I needed 7 drops to turn it yellow, at 10 I needed only 6 1/2. I will test again before bed and PRAY! Thank you so much for helping me!

--- In, "Ray" <sevenspringss@...> wrote:
> Alyce,
> While the Kritter Keep's top is grated, most of the water from the filter's outlet flow will be deflected. You're better off with adding the crushed coral directly to the filter. As I said, you'll continue to have cloudy water as long as you're using baking soda.
> Ray
> --- In, "Alyce W" <frogg_lady54@> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks, Ray! I put a container in the tank itself under the filter with coral sand in it; it is a "Kritter Keeper" with a grated top; all open slats. My filter has FOUR pads (two sponge, two bio-bags...only one has carbon in it) so I will replace one with coral sand if I need to!
> > Tank ran 7.4 PH for almost a day and a half, but it is so cloudy I can't see the frogs! It dropped again tonight to 6.2! :-( I did a 15 gallon water change and added baking soda, now it is 6.8, kH about 71.
> > I'll be babysitting it to see if I need more baking soda while I wait for the coral sand to kick in.
> >
> > --- In, "Ray" <sevenspringss@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Donna,
> > >
> > > With nothing else left in the tank except a few safe "rainbow rocks" and the frogs themselves -- and without any gravel -- This now would seem to point only to the frogs. I don't see how 5 frogs in a 55 gallon tank could create so much waste as to affect the water quality so quickly, unless they're Bullfrogs (LOL), but as I see it, Alyce will have to change more water and add crushed coral to the filters. Exactlt how much coral needed will have to be determined, as each aquarium is different depending on its parameters (KH and pH) and the forces (waste) acting against the parameters. I think I suggestred starting with 6 Tablespoons of it, then check the KH and pH as the days go on and as otherwise regular maintenance (PWC's. etc.) is done -- testing before doing the water changes. After several days, a pattern should start to emerge as to which way these parameters are going.
> > >
> > > Ray
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In, Donna King <donnalynneking@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi Ray,
> > > > Would it help if she sent some photo's of this tank? Maybe something will jump
> > > > out at you.
> > > > Donna
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ________________________________
> > > > From: Ray <sevenspringss@>
> > > > Re: OT-Aquarium Water Question, Need Help!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Alyce,
> > > >
> > > > In trying to eliminate some sources of your water problem, I'm assuming
> > > > (hopefully correctly) that you've never had a problem with the Rainbow rocks
> > > > during the 15 years you used them. As there must be something other than the
> > > > natural biological processes going on in your frog tank to be lowering your KH
> > > > and pH so rapidly, the only other thing I can think of -- besides acidy foods
> > > > being fed to the frogs, which you never answered me about -- would be the
> > > > gravel. This does not explain the high jumps of the nitrite though. Have you
> > > > tested the tap water for nitrite? Perhaps you have nitrite already in the water
> > > > you're adding to the frog tank.
> > > >
> > > > The nitrite itself though would not have an effect on the KH or pH, unless/until
> > > > the nitrate level rises considerably -- which in your case it doesn't. So,
> > > > we're back to the gravel as being the possible cause for this when there's
> > > > nothing else left to consider. If the "rock" in your fish tank is coral, then
> > > > this would explain why that tank's water is not being affected, even if it's
> > > > using the same gravel -- if that's the problem.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Try taking a portion of the gravel out of the frog tank and putting it in a
> > > > small plastic, glass or enamel (but not metal) container and add tap water to
> > > > it. Check it after 24 hours for KH and pH and let us know the results.
> > > >
> > > > Ray
> > > > Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post | Start a New Topic
> > > > Messages in this topic (11)
> > > > Recent Activity: * New Members 5 * New Photos 11 * New Links 1
> > > > Visit Your Group
> > > > Stay on top of your group activity without leaving the page you're on - Get the
> > > > Yahoo! Toolbar now.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ________________________________
> > > >
> > > > Get great advice about dogs and cats. Visit the Dog & Cat Answers Center.
> > > >
> > > > Switch to: Text-Only, Daily Digest • Unsubscribe • Terms of Use
> > > > .
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > >
> > >
> >


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Get great advice about dogs and cats. Visit the Dog & Cat Answers Center.



[tropical fish club] Re: I have what might be an invasive species growing out from my Java Ferns.


Oh thank goodness,Dawn.
I was worried because I hadn't noticed that before. That is good news then.
I also just did an ammonia test and a nitrite test and I am in the clear.
My three new Harlequin Rasbora's are looking happy and all ate their din dins. I should get them some new food. I am afraid mine is old and not varied enough. But,I didn't get the brine shrimp because I was afraid of over feeding. Now, that I have the tetra's I want them to have a healthy diet.
Thank you for you help regarding the Java Ferns. I am extra happy because I just recently added a Bolbitis Fern and I didn't (it sounds funny now knowing they are okay) want it to catch

--- In, Dawn Moneyhan <dawnshungryeyes4u2c@...> wrote:
> Erika, those are new java fern shoots.  That is how java fern reproduces.  The new growth and roots can occur on any part of the leaves of a healthy java fern, and as they grow they tend to dislodge themselves/separate from the main plant either by weighting it down to the substrate or the leaf it sprouts from will snap off where the new, heavier growth occurs.
> There is nothing invasive to worry about.
> Dawn
> Dawn Moneyhan
> Aquatics Specialist/Nutritionist
> To learn more about me go to
> --- On Sat, 4/30/11, Erika <effervescentbirdsong@...> wrote:
> From: Erika <effervescentbirdsong@...>
> Subject: [tropical fish club] Re: I have what might be an invasive species growing out from my Java Ferns.
> To:
> Date: Saturday, April 30, 2011, 10:37 AM
> Hello fellow Water Keepers.
> I have a problem or at least I am not sure if it is a problem. I noticed that I have some shoots sprouting from my Java Ferns roots and all.
> They are a brighter green then that of the Java Ferns. I am afraid that these new shoots might transfer over to the new plant(Bolbitis)that I just bought. Silly me I didn't think about that at the time I bought it.This is what the invasive plant looks like.
> <a href=""
> target="_blank">
> <img src="" width="200" height="261" border="2" alt="Photo of a big bunny rabbit!" />
> </a>
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



Re: [tropical fish club] Re: I have what might be an invasive species growing out from my Java Ferns.


Erika, those are new java fern shoots.  That is how java fern reproduces.  The new growth and roots can occur on any part of the leaves of a healthy java fern, and as they grow they tend to dislodge themselves/separate from the main plant either by weighting it down to the substrate or the leaf it sprouts from will snap off where the new, heavier growth occurs.

There is nothing invasive to worry about.


Dawn Moneyhan
Aquatics Specialist/Nutritionist
To learn more about me go to

--- On Sat, 4/30/11, Erika <> wrote:

From: Erika <>
Subject: [tropical fish club] Re: I have what might be an invasive species growing out from my Java Ferns.
Date: Saturday, April 30, 2011, 10:37 AM


Hello fellow Water Keepers.

I have a problem or at least I am not sure if it is a problem. I noticed that I have some shoots sprouting from my Java Ferns roots and all.

They are a brighter green then that of the Java Ferns. I am afraid that these new shoots might transfer over to the new plant(Bolbitis)that I just bought. Silly me I didn't think about that at the time I bought it.This is what the invasive plant looks like.

<a href=""


<img src="" width="200" height="261" border="2" alt="Photo of a big bunny rabbit!" />


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



[tropical fish club] Re: I have what might be an invasive species growing out from my Java Ferns.


Hello fellow Water Keepers.
I have a problem or at least I am not sure if it is a problem. I noticed that I have some shoots sprouting from my Java Ferns roots and all.
They are a brighter green then that of the Java Ferns. I am afraid that these new shoots might transfer over to the new plant(Bolbitis)that I just bought. Silly me I didn't think about that at the time I bought it.This is what the invasive plant looks like.
<a href=""
<img src="" width="200" height="261" border="2" alt="Photo of a big bunny rabbit!" />



[tropical fish club] Re: OT-Aquarium Water Question, Need Help!



While the Kritter Keep's top is grated, most of the water from the filter's outlet flow will be deflected. You're better off with adding the crushed coral directly to the filter. As I said, you'll continue to have cloudy water as long as you're using baking soda.


--- In, "Alyce W" <frogg_lady54@...> wrote:
> Thanks, Ray! I put a container in the tank itself under the filter with coral sand in it; it is a "Kritter Keeper" with a grated top; all open slats. My filter has FOUR pads (two sponge, two bio-bags...only one has carbon in it) so I will replace one with coral sand if I need to!
> Tank ran 7.4 PH for almost a day and a half, but it is so cloudy I can't see the frogs! It dropped again tonight to 6.2! :-( I did a 15 gallon water change and added baking soda, now it is 6.8, kH about 71.
> I'll be babysitting it to see if I need more baking soda while I wait for the coral sand to kick in.
> --- In, "Ray" <sevenspringss@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Donna,
> >
> > With nothing else left in the tank except a few safe "rainbow rocks" and the frogs themselves -- and without any gravel -- This now would seem to point only to the frogs. I don't see how 5 frogs in a 55 gallon tank could create so much waste as to affect the water quality so quickly, unless they're Bullfrogs (LOL), but as I see it, Alyce will have to change more water and add crushed coral to the filters. Exactlt how much coral needed will have to be determined, as each aquarium is different depending on its parameters (KH and pH) and the forces (waste) acting against the parameters. I think I suggestred starting with 6 Tablespoons of it, then check the KH and pH as the days go on and as otherwise regular maintenance (PWC's. etc.) is done -- testing before doing the water changes. After several days, a pattern should start to emerge as to which way these parameters are going.
> >
> > Ray
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, Donna King <donnalynneking@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Ray,
> > > Would it help if she sent some photo's of this tank? Maybe something will jump
> > > out at you.
> > > Donna
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ________________________________
> > > From: Ray <sevenspringss@>
> > > Re: OT-Aquarium Water Question, Need Help!
> > >
> > >
> > > Alyce,
> > >
> > > In trying to eliminate some sources of your water problem, I'm assuming
> > > (hopefully correctly) that you've never had a problem with the Rainbow rocks
> > > during the 15 years you used them. As there must be something other than the
> > > natural biological processes going on in your frog tank to be lowering your KH
> > > and pH so rapidly, the only other thing I can think of -- besides acidy foods
> > > being fed to the frogs, which you never answered me about -- would be the
> > > gravel. This does not explain the high jumps of the nitrite though. Have you
> > > tested the tap water for nitrite? Perhaps you have nitrite already in the water
> > > you're adding to the frog tank.
> > >
> > > The nitrite itself though would not have an effect on the KH or pH, unless/until
> > > the nitrate level rises considerably -- which in your case it doesn't. So,
> > > we're back to the gravel as being the possible cause for this when there's
> > > nothing else left to consider. If the "rock" in your fish tank is coral, then
> > > this would explain why that tank's water is not being affected, even if it's
> > > using the same gravel -- if that's the problem.
> > >
> > >
> > > Try taking a portion of the gravel out of the frog tank and putting it in a
> > > small plastic, glass or enamel (but not metal) container and add tap water to
> > > it. Check it after 24 hours for KH and pH and let us know the results.
> > >
> > > Ray
> > > Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post | Start a New Topic
> > > Messages in this topic (11)
> > > Recent Activity: * New Members 5 * New Photos 11 * New Links 1
> > > Visit Your Group
> > > Stay on top of your group activity without leaving the page you're on - Get the
> > > Yahoo! Toolbar now.
> > >
> > >
> > > ________________________________
> > >
> > > Get great advice about dogs and cats. Visit the Dog & Cat Answers Center.
> > >
> > > Switch to: Text-Only, Daily Digest • Unsubscribe • Terms of Use
> > > .
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >



Friday, April 29, 2011

[tropical fish club] Re: OT-Aquarium Water Question, Need Help!


Thanks, Ray! I put a container in the tank itself under the filter with coral sand in it; it is a "Kritter Keeper" with a grated top; all open slats. My filter has FOUR pads (two sponge, two bio-bags...only one has carbon in it) so I will replace one with coral sand if I need to!
Tank ran 7.4 PH for almost a day and a half, but it is so cloudy I can't see the frogs! It dropped again tonight to 6.2! :-( I did a 15 gallon water change and added baking soda, now it is 6.8, kH about 71.
I'll be babysitting it to see if I need more baking soda while I wait for the coral sand to kick in.

--- In, "Ray" <sevenspringss@...> wrote:
> Hi Donna,
> With nothing else left in the tank except a few safe "rainbow rocks" and the frogs themselves -- and without any gravel -- This now would seem to point only to the frogs. I don't see how 5 frogs in a 55 gallon tank could create so much waste as to affect the water quality so quickly, unless they're Bullfrogs (LOL), but as I see it, Alyce will have to change more water and add crushed coral to the filters. Exactlt how much coral needed will have to be determined, as each aquarium is different depending on its parameters (KH and pH) and the forces (waste) acting against the parameters. I think I suggestred starting with 6 Tablespoons of it, then check the KH and pH as the days go on and as otherwise regular maintenance (PWC's. etc.) is done -- testing before doing the water changes. After several days, a pattern should start to emerge as to which way these parameters are going.
> Ray
> --- In, Donna King <donnalynneking@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Ray,
> > Would it help if she sent some photo's of this tank? Maybe something will jump
> > out at you.
> > Donna
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Ray <sevenspringss@>
> > Re: OT-Aquarium Water Question, Need Help!
> >
> >
> > Alyce,
> >
> > In trying to eliminate some sources of your water problem, I'm assuming
> > (hopefully correctly) that you've never had a problem with the Rainbow rocks
> > during the 15 years you used them. As there must be something other than the
> > natural biological processes going on in your frog tank to be lowering your KH
> > and pH so rapidly, the only other thing I can think of -- besides acidy foods
> > being fed to the frogs, which you never answered me about -- would be the
> > gravel. This does not explain the high jumps of the nitrite though. Have you
> > tested the tap water for nitrite? Perhaps you have nitrite already in the water
> > you're adding to the frog tank.
> >
> > The nitrite itself though would not have an effect on the KH or pH, unless/until
> > the nitrate level rises considerably -- which in your case it doesn't. So,
> > we're back to the gravel as being the possible cause for this when there's
> > nothing else left to consider. If the "rock" in your fish tank is coral, then
> > this would explain why that tank's water is not being affected, even if it's
> > using the same gravel -- if that's the problem.
> >
> >
> > Try taking a portion of the gravel out of the frog tank and putting it in a
> > small plastic, glass or enamel (but not metal) container and add tap water to
> > it. Check it after 24 hours for KH and pH and let us know the results.
> >
> > Ray
> > Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post | Start a New Topic
> > Messages in this topic (11)
> > Recent Activity: * New Members 5 * New Photos 11 * New Links 1
> > Visit Your Group
> > Stay on top of your group activity without leaving the page you're on - Get the
> > Yahoo! Toolbar now.
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> > Get great advice about dogs and cats. Visit the Dog & Cat Answers Center.
> >
> > Switch to: Text-Only, Daily Digest • Unsubscribe • Terms of Use
> > .
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >



Re: [tropical fish club] Timing of lighting for planted tank?


I believe I just addressed this post in the other fish group, explaining that algae IS a plant, and whoever told you about the light on/off cycle was giving you false/inaccurate info that could cause your live plants to suffer and will not stop algae growth if the conditions are allowable for it.  The best way to control algae growth is to keep the water clean and in check, not to overstock the tank with fish, and not to run the lighting for more than a 10 - 12 hr cycle in a given day.  If your tank will receive direct natural sunlight then you will want to lessen the hours of artificial light, but breaking up the light cycle will not prevent an algae problem... you can't "trick" it.


Dawn Moneyhan
Aquatics Specialist/Nutritionist
To learn more about me go to

--- On Fri, 4/29/11, mothermastiff <> wrote:

From: mothermastiff <>
Subject: [tropical fish club] Timing of lighting for planted tank?
Date: Friday, April 29, 2011, 6:28 AM


I am hoping to set up a small (20 long) planted tank soon, and got

CFLs on eBay, real powerful ones, but am still working on one problem.

Someone advised me to set the timer for the lights to have the lights

on 3 or 4 hours and off one, and do two or three cycles like this,

rather than leaving them on for the day. I was told this light

cycling would not harm the plants, but would discourage algae growth.

A way of fooling the algae. He said it cycled differently than more complex plants. (Does anyone else know about this?)

So, does anyone know where to find a timer that will accept as many as

3 on & off cycles, or do you know a way to rig an ordinary cheap timer

to go on & off multiple times in 24 hours??


laurie (Mother Mastiff)

Silk Hope Fiber Farm

Critically Endangered Gulf Coast Native Sheep

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to build

a cistern.

I am always doing what I cannot do, in order to learn how to do it. -

Pablo Picasso

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



[tropical fish club] Re: OT-Aquarium Water Question, Need Help!


Hi Donna,

With nothing else left in the tank except a few safe "rainbow rocks" and the frogs themselves -- and without any gravel -- This now would seem to point only to the frogs. I don't see how 5 frogs in a 55 gallon tank could create so much waste as to affect the water quality so quickly, unless they're Bullfrogs (LOL), but as I see it, Alyce will have to change more water and add crushed coral to the filters. Exactlt how much coral needed will have to be determined, as each aquarium is different depending on its parameters (KH and pH) and the forces (waste) acting against the parameters. I think I suggestred starting with 6 Tablespoons of it, then check the KH and pH as the days go on and as otherwise regular maintenance (PWC's. etc.) is done -- testing before doing the water changes. After several days, a pattern should start to emerge as to which way these parameters are going.


--- In, Donna King <donnalynneking@...> wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> Would it help if she sent some photo's of this tank? Maybe something will jump
> out at you.
> Donna
> ________________________________
> From: Ray <sevenspringss@...>
> Re: OT-Aquarium Water Question, Need Help!
> Alyce,
> In trying to eliminate some sources of your water problem, I'm assuming
> (hopefully correctly) that you've never had a problem with the Rainbow rocks
> during the 15 years you used them. As there must be something other than the
> natural biological processes going on in your frog tank to be lowering your KH
> and pH so rapidly, the only other thing I can think of -- besides acidy foods
> being fed to the frogs, which you never answered me about -- would be the
> gravel. This does not explain the high jumps of the nitrite though. Have you
> tested the tap water for nitrite? Perhaps you have nitrite already in the water
> you're adding to the frog tank.
> The nitrite itself though would not have an effect on the KH or pH, unless/until
> the nitrate level rises considerably -- which in your case it doesn't. So,
> we're back to the gravel as being the possible cause for this when there's
> nothing else left to consider. If the "rock" in your fish tank is coral, then
> this would explain why that tank's water is not being affected, even if it's
> using the same gravel -- if that's the problem.
> Try taking a portion of the gravel out of the frog tank and putting it in a
> small plastic, glass or enamel (but not metal) container and add tap water to
> it. Check it after 24 hours for KH and pH and let us know the results.
> Ray
> Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post | Start a New Topic
> Messages in this topic (11)
> Recent Activity: * New Members 5 * New Photos 11 * New Links 1
> Visit Your Group
> Stay on top of your group activity without leaving the page you're on - Get the
> Yahoo! Toolbar now.
> ________________________________
> Get great advice about dogs and cats. Visit the Dog & Cat Answers Center.
> Switch to: Text-Only, Daily Digest • Unsubscribe • Terms of Use
> .
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Stay on top of your group activity without leaving the page you're on - Get the Yahoo! Toolbar now.

Get great advice about dogs and cats. Visit the Dog & Cat Answers Center.



Re: [tropical fish club] Re: OT-Aquarium Water Question, Need Help!


Hi Ray,
Would it help if she sent some photo's of this tank? Maybe something will jump
out at you.

From: Ray <>
Re: OT-Aquarium Water Question, Need Help!


In trying to eliminate some sources of your water problem, I'm assuming
(hopefully correctly) that you've never had a problem with the Rainbow rocks
during the 15 years you used them. As there must be something other than the
natural biological processes going on in your frog tank to be lowering your KH
and pH so rapidly, the only other thing I can think of -- besides acidy foods
being fed to the frogs, which you never answered me about -- would be the
gravel. This does not explain the high jumps of the nitrite though. Have you
tested the tap water for nitrite? Perhaps you have nitrite already in the water
you're adding to the frog tank.

The nitrite itself though would not have an effect on the KH or pH, unless/until
the nitrate level rises considerably -- which in your case it doesn't. So,
we're back to the gravel as being the possible cause for this when there's
nothing else left to consider. If the "rock" in your fish tank is coral, then
this would explain why that tank's water is not being affected, even if it's
using the same gravel -- if that's the problem.

Try taking a portion of the gravel out of the frog tank and putting it in a
small plastic, glass or enamel (but not metal) container and add tap water to
it. Check it after 24 hours for KH and pH and let us know the results.

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Messages in this topic (11)
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