Monday, August 30, 2010

Re: [tropical fish club] Re: Unusual behaviour?


I'm not noticing any red gills, but they are at the surface as if feeding, but no food is there... if that makes sense.  I did lose a fish this time after the water change. It died within 36 hours.  This behavior usually lasts for 2-3 days, then it's over with. As I said before I do a 1/3 water change.  Should I cut it back to a 1/4 water change and see if this makes a difference.  I've checked the ph and ammonia levels coming out of the tap and it's at normal/acceptable levels, so know that can't be it.  It's very bizarre and as I said before the 20 gal. tank doesn't seem to be affected.  It is not planted as heavily as the 65 gal. tank. 

Jill S.

--- On Mon, 8/30/10, tuvix72 <> wrote:

From: tuvix72 <>
Subject: [tropical fish club] Re: Unusual behaviour?
Date: Monday, August 30, 2010, 10:16 AM


Stress coat should not be the cause of this... Do the fish dispay any kind of heavy breathing or redness around the gill area?

The odd thing is that once chloramines and heavy metals are dealt with by the water conditioner, I can't think of anything else that could last so long... gas content, oxygen levels, temperature and so forth would all be back to normal overnight but your fish seem to show this behaviour for days after a water change...


--- In, J Wilhelm-Sweeten <shobxrs2@...> wrote:
> I change 1/3 of water every 2 weeks and use API's Stress Coat Plus for the water changes.  This tank is also a planted tank and has been established for a year.  I have a 20 gal. long that I change at the same time, using same products, but don't see this happening in that tank.  I have a Eheim canister filter and the flow and return lines are set up at the corner of the tank with moderate flow. 
> Jill S.
> --- On Fri, 8/27/10, tuvix72 <> wrote:
> From: tuvix72 <>
> Subject: [tropical fish club] Re: Unusual behaviour?
> To:
> Date: Friday, August 27, 2010, 11:19 AM
> As long as the return from the filter is causing some surface agitation/movement you should be fine as far as gas exchanges go, these are responsible for maintaining oxygen levels in the water. The height of the waterline doesn't really matter, it's more important the positioning of the return from the filter.
> Can you tell us more about your water changes and products used? For example how much you change each time and which product you use. Some water conditioners do deplete oxygen in the tank when used, but should be back to normal overnight. Could also be from other elements in your tap water that are not being removed... Knowing more about this will help us get a better idea.
> Giancarlo Podio
> --- In, J Wilhelm-Sweeten <shobxrs2@> wrote:
> >
> > Everytime I do a water change in my 65 gal. tank for the next few days after my fish seem to want to stay up at the surface, as if they need oxygen.  My #'s are all at good levels when I check.  I have a glass top covering the tank.  My husband things I fill it too high and they aren't getting enough oxygen.  I have a canister filter.  I fill the tank up to about 1/4 - 1/8 inch from the top.  Am I filling it too full and are they trying to get oxygen?
> >  
> > Thaks for any input.
> >  
> > Jill S.
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
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