Wednesday, September 1, 2010

RE: [tropical fish club] Re: Tank plumbing questions


I got an answer from aga about the tank according to there recollection they didnt start using tempered glass for the bottom till June of 94. He said that he had no way to prove it though. But the sides have never used tempered glass. So I am just going to drill the back to be doubly sure.


-----Original Message-----
From: tuvix72 <>
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 1:44 PM
Subject: [tropical fish club] Re: Tank plumbing questions

Can you refresh my memory? This is a 75 gallon tank correct? Will you be plumbing a sump under it or a canister filter?

A gravity fed 1" overflow is usually good for about 700-800gph. I usually aim for 3~5x turnover depending on how densly planted it is. These days I prefer to use slow filtration/sump loops and use propeller pumps in the tank if added circulation is required. This usually comes into play on larger tanks than smaller...

Hope that helps
Giancarlo Podio

--- In, john Buford <jbuf@...> wrote:
> I have decided to drill my new tank and I have some general questions about plumbing. How many times an hour is ideal for turning over a fresh water tank? For the inlet how much water can i move thru a 1 inch. 1 1/2 inch and 2 inch bulk heads. Is theter a general rule for sizing the return with a prtucular sized feed.
> Thanks

[The entire original message is not included]

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