Monday, January 31, 2011

Re: [tropical fish club] Advice on Plants-duckweed


I wish the flag fish would get after the hair algae but alas no one seems to eat
this at any speed that will make a difference. I also thought the flying fox
might keep some of it in check but no luck.
I've got two shop lights over glub blub's tank so far its worked well for the
anacharis. This summer I might set up a tank on the porch to grow some duck
weed, I really don't have room in the house for another tank.


From: J. C. <>
] Advice on Plants-duckweed


If you have room to set up another tank/tub it is easy to grow as you know. I
had a tank/tub(kiddy pool) outside where I would dump my water change water. The
nutrients and high light levels made duck weed a food used 2-3 times a week. So
I set up a 55 gallon tank for this job indoors in my livingroom floor(single guy
who does not care what things look like). A 4 foot shoplight sits on a 55 so no
hood/lid needed. I put 2 shoplights holding 2 bulbs each on top of the tank.
Your goldies nasty water would grow enough to give him his treats. Mbuna
cichlids need veggies in their diet and I was breeding many of these species so
need alot of it.

Flagfish are not big plant eaters but love algea. That is why they are a must
for planted tanks. They will eat the algea off the plant leaves and not harm the
plants. Ofcourse if the get real hungry they will start eating the roots off
your duckweed.

Later, John

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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