Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Re: Bls: [MANCiNGiKANMaS] Mantappp Negeg yueh..


saya cetting kemarin ama beliau (dulu paduka mas Mbei), ini transkrip-nya

Wira liu (1/31/2011 12:30:52 PM): gimana? dapat coolboxnya? sukses mancingnya?
mas bei (1/31/2011 12:33:48 PM): akhirnya beli di kepur
mas bei (1/31/2011 12:33:50 PM): kerpur
mas bei (1/31/2011 12:33:56 PM): hahahahhahaha
mas bei (1/31/2011 12:34:01 PM): mancinge mantep
mas bei (1/31/2011 12:34:19 PM): dari rumah jam 7.30 malam sampe panaitan jam 11 siang
mas bei (1/31/2011 12:34:39 PM): sampe cumur jam 1/2 5 an
mas bei (1/31/2011 12:34:43 PM): keren kan?
Wira liu (1/31/2011 12:34:41 PM): salut
Wira liu (1/31/2011 12:34:45 PM): hasil cem mana?
mas bei (1/31/2011 12:35:27 PM): hasil ya ikan lah
mas bei (1/31/2011 12:35:32 PM): baronang kembung
Wira liu (1/31/2011 12:35:45 PM):  :-P
mas bei (1/31/2011 12:35:50 PM): 8
coolerbox 40ltr full

salam hormat dan beribu ampun.........

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On 2/1/2011 3:31 PM, Eddy Wijaya wrote:
suhu kalo lagi panen ikan ingat sama muridlah butuh lauk baronang nich

best regards

eddy mawi

From: mas bei <masbei_21@yahoo.co.id>
To: mancing_ikan@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, February 1, 2011 8:04:58 AM
Subject: Bls: [MANCiNGiKANMaS] Mantappp Negeg yueh..

kompor mleduggg....

Dari: Burhan nudin <burhantea2000@yahoo.com>
Kepada: mancing_ikan@yahoogroups.com
Terkirim: Sen, 31 Januari, 2011 16:08:43
Judul: [MANCiNGiKANMaS] Mantappp Negeg yueh.. [1 Attachment]


Mantap.... Suhu hasilnya....Selamat yah jadi ngiler.com
Di apain tuh ikan 4cool Box penuh



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