Thursday, March 31, 2011

Re: [tropical fish club] How many can I have now I have five new baby Platys?


Hi Alireza
My babies are all getting big enough to fend for themselves now. They are all
coming up to eat and they are too much of a match for the bigger Platys.

The new fish I want to buy are going to be small I think. I need to know how
many fish I can have in a thirty-five gallon. I don't want to over stress the
tank. So far I have two big platys and one regular sized golden algae
eater.There are four babies.All are in varying degrees in size. Still smaller
then mom and dad but bit enough to fend for themselves.
Thanks for your advice.
I also have a well planted aquarium and the fish do all the work for me.I don't
have to tell them to hide. When they are small their instinct is to hide.They
are small and feed on the bits that come to them. As they get bigger they get

From: Alireza Nassiri <>
Sent: Thu, March 31, 2011 9:04:35 AM
Subject: Re: [tropical fish club] How many can I have now I have five new baby

Hi erika
I suggest that put a lot of plants in your aquariom that that the pelaty babies
go bet win them so other fishes cant see them so you can keep that pelaty babies
and add some another fish too and other fishes cant see the babies that eat
you can do other work.yuo can buy a room and instul that the corner of your
aquarum .this room is made of plastik whit alot of hole that fresh water go to
the can instull that in your aquarum on the water,the door ofthat is
open and you can feed them too and when they became bigger keep them with other can make this room your self too.i dont now what is the name of this
room so sorry .but it is the best way that you can keep the babies and add other

On Wed Mar 30th, 2011 12:28 AM EDT Erika wrote:

>I would like to add some Tetras to my smallish thirty-five gallon aquarium. But,
>now that I have the five Platy babies I want to be sure not to put too many fish
>at one time.
>If the Platy's breed on a regular basis I might have trouble finding homes for
>I am not sure if the fish store will take my fish that are different species
>from each other. They don't seem to mind though maybe the store won't either.
>I know I will have to reduce some of the platys. Or perhaps, I will keep them
>all and if I get more babies give those ones away. Or buy another aquarium.I
>wish I could afford a new one hundred and fifty or eighty.
>I can see a trend here though.
>Thanks for your all of your help,folks.:)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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