Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Re: [tropical fish club] Leaping Lizards my Platy babies are growing fast.


Hi Donna
You have a really good imagination. You made me laugh out loud. I got quite the
chuckle when you said Mr. and Mrs. Lector. Having read Red Dragon and Silence of
the Lambs I couldn't help but laugh.
You are so funny.
Thanks for the name ideas. I should be able to figure out these guys personality
and go from there.


From: Donna King <donnalynneking@yahoo.com>
To: tropicalfishclub@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, March 1, 2011 2:05:02 AM
Subject: Re: [tropical fish club] Leaping Lizards my Platy babies are growing

I like to get to know my fish's personality before I name them or my kids name
I have Glub Blub the golddfish (kids) Mr and Mrs. Lector (they eat their
baby's) (me), Grumpy (me) we had frogs named hopaway, corn flakes and orange
juice.... The other's are not named as yet. Donna

From: Erika <effervescentbirdsong@yahoo.ca>

My three fry that were born in my thirty-five gallon tank are getting bigger.
They say strength in numbers and even though there are only three they are
getting bigger and stronger every day. They come up to the surface to eat with
the much bigger fish that happen to be mom and dad.

I have been making sure to break up the food so that they got enough to eat with

as little waste as possible. While I had been feeding them in this way, I
happened to notice some movement coming from one of the plants.
Sure enough, we have two more babies.I know this is nothing when it comes to
Fry(three hundred is a lot)but never the less five is exciting for me.
They are so cute.
When I bought my fish at the fish store they had said that Platy's wont' mind
other species of the same kind of fish. For instance a Ocean Dusk Platy can mate

with a regular Platy.

Considering the five babies I would have to agree that Platy's aren't that fussy

when it comes to picking a Platy mate.
I am happy to have gotten five babies. They are really cute. I have been making
sure the new babies get enough food too with out over feeding that is. I only
give them food for five minutes and then only small amounts at a time.

Plus, just in case I do a water change once a week.
I need to name my babies so if anyone has any ideas I am open to suggestions.

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