Saturday, March 26, 2011

[tropical fish club] Re: Goldfish with freshwater tropicals



Since you don't leave many options, I can only say that your 30 gallon extra high tank is to small for your two comet goldfish, as even you realize; they cannot be kept in there long term. Another factor I'd like to point out here is that your 3 one-foot long "massive" Plecos are far from curbing their growth yet as they'll get to an average of at least 18" long. Your Tri-Color (or "Bala") Shark will continue to grow also, to at least 14" or so. By this, you can see that your 90 gallon tank will not be big enough to house two comet goldfish -- which can reach at least 14" when full grown -- in addition to your other fishes as they all reach their full size, unless you stunt them in the process of this cramming.

You may not have any other choices in housing all these fish comfortably at this time, but then, you have no other choice except to reconsider rehousing some of them -- possibly getting rid of some (several Plecos, maybe?) -- if you are to give your fish their best care in reaching their full potential. With re-homing some fish, maybe by trading some back to the pet shop, as I see it your choice here in eliminating the definite potential of stunting your goldfish if you were to keep them in the 30 Xtra high, would be to house them with the tropicals (even though it's ordinarily recommended not to), but with your heater's thermostat lowered to 72 o (not kept at 76 o any longer). Fortunately, all the tropical fish you now have in the 90 gallon can tolerate somewhat lower temperatures, and 72 o is not yet too low for them -- still being within their range and not being that far above which goldfish would find as being comfortable, especially as they're (the goldfish) at a minimum of 70 o now.

As far as your tanks reaching a high of 80 o in the Summer, this of course cannot be controlled electronically but you'll need to employ other methods of keeping it cool at that time of year, not the least of which would be with the use of cooled containers of water floated in the tank if care is taken to ensure a very minimum of temperature fluctuation. Both tropical fish aquaria and goldfish aquaria are subject to temperature rises in the Summer, and the problem is not restricted only to one -- so it really wouldn't matter which fish your goldfish are maintained with during these months. Others here may add to safe cooling methods for tanks in the Summer, even using cooling fans aimed at the surface. Be prepared to make more frequent water changes as the goldfish grow as they're generally messier than most other fish and produce more waste.


--- In, "luckyarthur550" <mitchel88@...> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have two comet goldfish that are inseparable and are now maybe 4" long from tips of mouths to tips of tails. I have them in a 30-gallon extra high tank, which is just about 24" high, and 24" wide and 12" deep (front to back). I have four different pump/filter units on this tank (overkill?) and very nice water surface movement. The fish still seem reasonably content but I feel bad that they are in this relatively confinded space. The temperature in this tank is room temperature, so it varies from 70F to 74F in the winter and may go as high as 80F in the summer.
> In the same room I also have a 90-gallon tank (24" high, 48" wide, 18" deep) that houses three massive plecos, which are one-foot or more in length, one tricolor shark that's about 5" to 6" long, one giant danio that's about 4" long, and one cory catfish. This tank has two Rena Filstar XP3 pump/filter units on it and it's heated so it never goes below 76F.
> I've heard everywhere about not mixing goldfish in the same tank as tropical fish. But the question is whether the goldfish would be better off staying in the 30 gallon tank or would they be better off if they were moved to the 90 gallon tank. Those are the only two options so please do not suggest others. :-)
> Thank you for whatever advice you can give me.
> Mitch

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