Saturday, March 26, 2011

[tropical fish club] Re: How we got into this


Thanks for the kind words, Ray. Thanks to you I was able to have the wonderful experience of raising angels. My discus have been a fun addition to my fish experience. Unfortunately for some reason (has been years) I have a slight case of ick so am upping the heaters and hoping it goes soon. Had a few other problems in the past few weeks but am overcoming. There's so much to learn in this field. But you have to love it and I do (among the rest of you). Deborah

--- In, "Ray" <sevenspringss@...> wrote:
> Hi Deb,
> You're far to modest in trying to cram all your fish experiences into one small paragraph. You were quite successful at raising Angels and if I recall, you were supplying most of Rensselaer County as well as Saratoga, Greene, Albany and probably Washington Counties as there was a shop some distance north of you that you said you sold to. Okay, so I may be exaggerating here a little bit, but with your condensing your story so much, you've left out these many other things you've done. You haven't even mentioned keeping Discus for a few years now.
> I know, since most of you guys have related your stories, that it's probably my turn, but since I couldn't keep it this small I'm afraid I'd wind up boring you people. I can say that, like many other of you, that I too started with goldfish around the age of 8.
> Ray
> --- In, deborahgd14 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi John and all: great subject. I don't get to write much but will add my 2 cents. I had newly retired and was doing odd jobs like secret shopping. I bought a betta. Then a 46 gallon tank; then I had spawning angels and ended up raising them. I had tanks all over the house. Then we moved almost three years ago to SC so sold just about everything and just brought a few angels here. I bought a wave 95 gallon tank. Then I bought a bow front 110 gallon tank from aqua vim. That's all for tanks. no More room. And JC, I think you're right; water seems to stay more stable with larger tanks. So that's it. Have enjoyed everyone's stories. Deborah
> >
> > --- In, "J. C." <hillbillynursery@> wrote:
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> > >
> > >    Since the list has been a bit quiet, why not tell what got you started in this wonderful hobby. My mother got into fish for the kids way before my time. It started with goldfish from a fair as I was told. As a young child we had a goldfish tank and a tropical community tank. Yes the poor goldies never made it to full size yet they lived long lives. One goldy was made it to 15 years old. They were housed in a 30 gallon tank. The tropical tank was neon tetras, cory cats, and all the common livebearers. Dad retired in '81 and moved back to his hometown. With a 500 mile move all fish were sold/given away. After we got settled the love of fish keeping made its way back into my life. I had the tanks we had up north. In fall of '84 I set up a tank in the cold unfinished basement of our home. Within a year I had 6 ten gallon tanks along the wall that were set on 2x6s(lumber) laid across concrete blocks that was not very level as our basement was just gravel
> > > for a floor. And yes livebearers were what got me started. By '85 I was selling a thousand livebearers a year. Then came my BIG idea. It was a big idea as I never heard of anyone doing this before. My uncle used my dad's farm as a dumping grounds for used bath tubs(old cast iron). Many of them where cracked, ect... My idea was to place them above ground so they would get warmer early in the year and move many of my fish outdoors. The sun gives the fish more color and the large "tanks" with few fish made them reach their full potential. Then one of the pet store owners I sold to introduced me to show guppies and later sailfin mollies that reach 4 inches with large sails.
> > >  
> > >    From there I went to keeping a few fish every fall to restart during winter for the next season. I was breeding fish as well as these mass producing. I had a line of guppies that came out of a community tank of mine with black tails with a cresent moon of yellow and orange. I know they had some endler blood. I got them to throw several of these each spawn but never got them line bred. College came, marriage and kids came and all I had was a small(20 gallon tank) for many years. I got back into breeding quality guppies but was not happy with it. I was just mass producing quality guppies. Making a new line is so much hard work(time wise). Then we got the internet in '96. My life changed in many ways. I got a better job which left me with more time and money for my hobby. I found the AKA(american killifish) web page. I saw a picture of killies in an out aquarium book my mother had printed in the 60s. Killies were easy since I started with gardneri
> > > locations.  I raised rosy barbs, angels(in pure rain water since our tap water is like a rock), and bettas in my high school years. Each of those types of fish had there reasons they were only spawned a few times. Rosy barbs was a problem getting rid of that many fry. Angels was it was a pain trying to get enough soft water. It was no problem getting them to spawn and taking their eggs away from them to raise. They always ate the eggs. Bettas was all the water changes for all those quart jars for the males. I only raised one spawn of bettas for that reason. After working with killies for a long time I added african cichlids.
> > >  
> > >    Killies and wild type livebearers are my focus as of right now as I am starting back. I hope I can get it going well so I can make good this summer. I have 4 16 cubic ft outdoor ponds and 4 old bath tubs ready for fish. I learned I had to cover the tubs about half way to keep them cool enough mid summer. Fish go outdoors first of May here.
> > >  
> > >                                   Later, John
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >

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