Friday, March 25, 2011

[tropical fish club] Re: Marshmallow died :(


Hi Amy,

I'm so sorry to hear the bad news about Marshmallow. While it's unfortunate that he wasn't able to eat enough, you did the best you could to look after him after the accident. Yes, it is sad, and you have my sympathies, but as you said it's probably kinder that he no longer needs to try to cope with his handicaps and not being successful with it. You did at least try to help him as best you could. Ray

--- In, froggylover2425 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just wanted to let you all know i lost marshmallow :'( I am away at the minute and was worried about leaving him. I trust the person i left them with though, but he died. He didnt look great before i left, i tried feeding him lots of different things like algae wafers, duckweed, flake food, blood worms etc and he just couldnt eat it so it is kinder i suppose, its just very sad. I know he died becasue fo my mistake and thats even worse. but im glad i tried to help him after and im glad hes not in pain anymore.
> Amy x

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