Saturday, March 26, 2011

[tropical fish club] Re: substrate


Hi Ray,

The gravel i have is marginally (i mean really only slightly) bigger than the standard coloured gravel you get. Although its smooth and natural coloured. I got it this size because i didint want the fish to eat it. Its big enough that they cant fit it in their mouths easy and they dont try.

Do you mean the tiny tiny natural gravel thats very fine like smooth rounded grit? Sure if thats a good substrate ill get it, i like things to look natural in my tanks so thatll be nice.

Well i think 'wormy' is the japanese variety you mentioned. He looks like this

he was sold as a cold water fish in with goldfish and i was assured he was suitable with goldfish. Of course theres differing oppinions. My observation is, hes happy, healthy, active, growing and so friendly. I was sad to know i wasnt housing him right and if its more ideal i can house him seperately it would just be a shame because they are all great friends. the tank is room temp, and i always let the water i change with sit to get to room temp so its not a shock. The goldfish seem to enjoy the room temps and wormy too. Hes such a lovely fish, he likes it when i put my hand in there he comes over to my hand and touches it with those funny little barbel things then rubs his back over me. hes cute.

The reason i thought of sand is because the current gravel is just a lil big for him to burrow really deep like he likes to do. But i see now its not a good idea, so thanks Ray and Donna for helping. Will this extra fine gravel be ingested? im imaging its not as harmful as the courser gravel if ingested though.

My gravel kind of looks like this,%20Aquarium%20Gravel.jpg

but smoother and rounder.
I cant take actual pics because im away for two weeks.

Amy x

--- In, "Ray" <sevenspringss@...> wrote:
> Amy,
> I would like to add here, that there are more than one type of weather loach ("weatherfish"), each having far different requirements. Still not knowing which weather loach you have, I can only recommend housing them together if your weatherfish is the Japanese species I mentioned, but narrowing the field down it can be seen that you most probably indeed have this fish especially since it's a burrowing species (and is somewhat more "tropical").
> Another popular weather loach is the Spotted weather loach (or weatherfish) -- Cobitis taenia -- often called a Spiney weatherfish, which does best at 60 o to 65 o. As will be noted, this species is a more temperate one and not one that's usually sold as as tropical variety.
> Ray
> --- In, "Ray" <sevenspringss@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Amy,
> >
> > As Donna has already pointed out, generally goldfish do not belong with tropical fish -- not because they won't get along, but because they have different temperature range requirements. One factor in your favor here is that while Japanese weather loaches (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) are considered tropical fish, only because they'll tolerate up to 80 o as the top temperature of their range, they will also tolerate a low temperature of 40 o. If this is the fish you have, and if this is the only fish you'll be keeping with the goldfish, then this is doable. I'd suggest keeping the tank at 68 o, or "room temperature" since you wouldn't have a heater with it, but I wouldn't necessarily maintain it much cooler even though the goldfish may enjoy it even better. Most people keeping goldfish in the aquarium have them only at room temperature, which is most often at near 68 o on the average and not too often much less even though some people do set their thermostats a bit lower.
> >
> > On the subject of gravel, why would you not consider smallish medium natural gravel in place of your biggish medium gravel? This would be perfect for your weather loach. In the aquarium trade, this is considered #3 commercial grade gravel, with the grains being about 1/16" diameter -- and it's considered "medium." This would eliminate the problem of compacting of the substrate, as with sand, and eliminate any build up of gases as a result of it. It would also eliminate the problem of it being ingested, and you wouldn't have to limit it to a 1/2" deep. I would not recommend sand.
> >
> > Ray
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, froggylover2425 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Everyone,
> > >
> > > I am setting up a tank in the near future and trying to decide on a substrate, of course the most practical is bare borrom, But i have a weather loach who just loves rumaging around at the bottom of the tank. I have biggish medium natural gravel at present and i dont think he likes it much.
> > >
> > > Although i do have goldfish in with him. They all get on fine. Im thinking of sand, but have come across many varying views. Just wondered if there are any real problems with sand for goldfish and a loach. I have heard about the gases, and it needs stirring once a month or more, under half inch thick and possible impaction of eating it. If i go for sand will keeping it under half inch stop the gas build up or is it still possible even with stirring and being under half inch.
> > >
> > > Any advice much appreciated.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Amy x
> > >
> >

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