Thursday, May 5, 2011

[Flyfishing The West] Re: Inflatable boats vs Porta-bote


I have fished out of a Porta-bote and found it not at all unlike being in a similar sized aluminum semi-V hull boat. I have not done any river floating in one but if it were a slower calmer river I could say with great certainty that it would perform quite well. Not at all tippy.



--- In, "Robert J" <rkumza@...> wrote:
> I love to fly fish and I'm looking to by a versatile boat that I can use for all types of fishing. I'd like to put a small outboard on it to use on larger lakes to zip out to those hidden spots where the big ones hide. I'd also like to use it as a float boat on streams and rivers. So stability and versatility are very important to me.
> I've seen dozens of videos on youtube for both the Porta-bote and several different brands of inflatable boats. The inflatable boats seem more versatile, but require about the double the hp to get up on plane. I've seen lots of Porta-boats zipping along with just an 6 or 8 hp engine and full load of 3 guys with all their fishing gear. Several Sea Eagle owners have told me that the same load in an inflatable would require 15hp to get on plane.
> So the Porta-bote seems to have the edge on efficiency, but I'm uncertain how stable it would be for use as a float boat while drifting down a river or stream.
> Any one with actual experience who can shed light on this subject? All comments are greatly appreciated.
> Bob

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