Ubuntu user #33596
Maverick Meerkat 10.10
Hello all;
I was just checking my email and saw that there wasn't any posts in the past week or so, so I figured I might start a thread.
I know it is spring in most places, and fall for Helmar, so the fishing must be starting to come on strong, as it does this time a year.
I have been fishing a few times already, but the fish mostly are winning. So far the score is Fish 6, me 1. I caught a little 8" croaker so far this year, and nothing else. The other folks fishing are having almost the same luck around here, so that encourages me a bit. LOL!
A friend of mine, however, caught a 5 foot alligator gar a month or so ago, so I know all the fish didn't go on vacation, or to school to learn how to avoid our offerings!
At any rate, I thought it would be neat to see how others are faring on the water. So, what's your story? How come we aren't hearing about all the monster fish being caught so far? Let us know what's happening in your neck of the woods. Good luck or not so good luck.
I just added some pics of the garfish my friend caught to my album 'Salty Dan'. Hope you enjoy,
Salty Dan
Orange Texas
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