Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Re: [tropical fish club] Fw: [FroggyFriends] For your reading enjoyment!


Hi Donna, JoAnne, Deborah, Dawn, Renate, Lynne and any others who wrote in asking about me;

Good to know that you gals thought enough to ask about me, and kept me in your prayers. I'm sure that's what kept me out of the way of Irene's most damaging forces. My power was out since around 2:30 PM Sunday afternoon; just got it back earlier this morning around 7:00 AM and have been going down the long list of emails that needed to be attended too. Also, looked around through all the fish and fed them. I did lose one fish, the male of a mated pair of Tilapia gutterosa, an endanged Cichlid endemic just to the crater lake, Lake Bermin (Africa). I'm sure this had to do with their behavior rather than to water conditions, but I'd still have to say their behavior leading to this end was brought on by not having any power for lighting, as the female may have been looking to spawn (and maybe even did, without my knowledge) and the male may not have been behaving in accordance with what was expected of him by her -- which would not have occured if I'd have had a normal cycle of lighting on them. Luckily, I have two others pairs of them, as I'm participating in the C.A.R.E.S. Program in the ACA with them, which is designed to promote the propogation of endangered species, and this is at least a blow to the program in some measure.

As for the power outage, when it occurred on Sunday afternoon, the hurricane had already made landfall to the east of me, at Coney Island, NY around 10:30 that morning. After a couple of hours, the rain had even stopped and things even cleared up a bit with the winds letting up. By that time, it was well up into Connecticut and it appeared to have pretty much been the end of it, or so it seemed. I even went shopping for a few things and came back around 2 PM.

Then, the power went out a half hour later after no apparent reason, but later I heard that with all the rain that a tree had fallen and brought down the lines near me with no further help from winds, even though the winds did pick up later to a moderate intensity with some more slight rain, until after 7 PM. The fact that the nearby river overflowed and impacted the power substation near it didn't help matters either, as even after they fixed the wires, they still couldn't turn the power on until the river subsided.

Had only minor damaged to the house, and relatively minor when compared to many other people's problems. I'm actually in NEW Milford a few miles north of I-80, nearby what has become known as the shopping hub of this county -- Paramus, NJ, not all that far west of New York City.

Thanks so much, Donna, for the phone call and the idea for me, for getting dry ice -- which I just didn't think of. Thanks too for searching Google for me to find a dealer nearby me who sold it. I believe that saved all that stuff in my freezers, including all that frozen fish food I mentioned to you. I guess I have nearly 15 pounds of frozen bloodworms. One bummer though, which I knew to expect, all of the four jars of BBS I had bubbling away died when the power went out, so I have no live BBS to feed them today, but things could have been much worse. I heard only a few minutes ago, that there's already another storm brewing off the African coast, headed west. Just what we need! I don't want to see another one for a l o o o n g time.

Thanks again,


--- In tropicalfishclub@yahoogroups.com, Donna King <donnalynneking@...> wrote:
> I have not gotten any news from Ray but the news makes it sound like most of the power lines are down in his area so I'll keep believing he's just out of power.  I'll call him tomorrow if I don't hear from him. 
> Was your stove electric?  I've never heard of one making an alarm sound, how lucky and blessed you all are.  I know what you mean about the fence, we put ours in the first week we were her, we bought it all at PayLess Cash Ways and put it in our self, I don't think it was that expensive.  We did Chain link, I think it took two days and we cemented every single pole, its not going anywere and looks as good today as it did 19 years ago. 
> It does take forever to save money!
> Donna
> >________________________________
> >From: Dawn Moneyhan <dawnshungryeyes4u2c@...>
> >w: [FroggyFriends] For your reading enjoyment!
> >
> >
> > 
> >Thank you Donna, I am glad too.  I have a lot to lose if this place ever caught fire.  The worst actual damage was a badly burnt dinner that night and a stove that is now fried, literally, and no longer safe to use.  The alarm on the stove meant that it was 100 degrees above its maximum temp and was still climbing when hubby shut off the breaker.  That was a really scary experience I hope never to repeat.  If we hadn't caught it when we did we would probably be homeless right now... and would have lost everything.
> >
> >The new stove will be delivered Wednesday, so we just have to find microwave meals for a few more days and then the worst will be over.  The other hardship is that the money spent on the new stove was the money I had set aside for our dog's new fence.  No idea how long its going to take to make that up, but for sure there will now be no fence before next summer.  :-(  I just have to pray the dog's chain doesn't break again where she gets loose.  Her last episode almost left us with a dead dog (almost run over by a car) and took us hours to find her with me in a huge panic and more tears than I've had in a very long time.  My dog is my best friend... I would be totally lost without her.
> >
> >Thanks again for your concern, it helps to know that others sincerely care.  When I think about my friends I think of this group right away, its comforting.  :-)  Now we have to keep praying for everyone on the East coast.  Have you heard anymore from Ray? 
> >
> >Dawn 
> >
> >Dawn Moneyhan
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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