Thursday, May 31, 2012

Re: [AquaticLife] Which Fish?? Bettas?


I love my "feeders"; one is 8" long and i call him Guts, 
'cause all he likes to do is eat. I don't use guppies n 
feeders to exxperiment on; they have their own tank, 
or live in a community tank. I like the idea of  seeing
them grow. i had a jack dempsy in a tank with other cichlids
and he gutted two of the beautiful ones. u have to be careful
of what kind of fish u put together, which is why i now have 4
active tanks and two i need to clean and restock. I have
4 large goldfish and 3 small ones in a 30 gallon tank, with a
30-50 gallon filter in it. i put a 14 day feeder pack in my tanks
when i went to DC 3 weeks ago and me monsters got along
just fine. So, research your fish; don't listen to the people  at
the pet store, 'cause some of then don't know their arse
from a hole in the ground. Goldfish, guppies, rosey reds
make nice tanks, and bettas are good for single species tanks.
But, be careful; i had a mean male who was ok with the female
for several months, then he gnawed a monster hole in her side n
killed her. i put 3 females in the tank and the male "disappeared";'
cosmic justice, I guess
good luck

Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: [AquaticLife] Which Fish?? Bettas?

I feel I have to jump in here after seeing to Monica's suggestion to use
'Feeder' Goldfish. Kez, the original poster, does not want to inflict any
suffering after having seen the demise of one Goldfish due to bad advice
from a store so to use them in this manner would be morally wrong for her I
think. Once the system is cycled or for any other reason the Feeder fish
are no longer needed then what happens to them-flushed down the sewer

  If this treatment happened on a widespread daily basis to 'cuddly & cute'
bunnies & kittens then there would be an outcry but because they are 'only
fish' it doesn't seem to matter & we continue to ignore it. The fact that
these disposable creatures could, if properly housed live long, happy lives
seem immaterial. Now that fishless cycling is widely known about, to use an
intelligent, trusting & friendly animal merely for testing just because
they are cheap & plentiful is, in my opinion, not only unnecessary but it
goes against everything that a responsible fish keeper should be aiming
for. If you use one creature to feed another that would ordinarily eat that
food in the wild then that is fine but as far as I am aware nothing eats
Goldfish in the wild as part of any natural food chain.

I maintain ponds & I cannot think of one instance where I have put the
needs of an expensive fish ahead of a cheap one, they both inhabit the same
pond & they both contribute to the balance of that pond's eco system. The
monetary value is only something that we, in our vanity put on the
creature-the perception & value of life from the viewpoint of both the
cheap Goldfish & the expensive Koi is exactly the same & that is the way I
work. I realise this may be at odds with many fish keepers but that is my
viewpoint & has been from day one.


On 31 May 2012 00:29, m davis <> wrote:

> **
> betas are OK as long as u have 1 male and maybe 2 females. males will
> fight, sometimes to the death.  Just to start, and not put a lot of money
> in it, you might get some feeder goldfish---i get 'em 6/$1 and see how u
> like the fish, before investing serious money in to the hobby. but if u
> want to spend it, betas are fine, tetras are pretty good, 2. good luck;
> sometimes folks in those pet stores are dumb as a box of rocks. it pays to
> do your research on the internet before you waste mooney on unsuitable
> fish.,monica
> ________________________________
> From: kezzabeast <>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:05 PM
> Subject: [AquaticLife] Which Fish?? Bettas?
> Hi,
> I was recently ripped off by an independent retailer (1 gallon bowl, 2
> goldfish, hence 1 died within 48 hours, returned to shop, false info from
> them initially)
> I will be getting a 30litre bioOrb donated from a friend as i would love
> to have some fish in the house.
> I was initially looking at Betta's, but I have just read its hard to keep
> them together and they can be aggressive.
> What would you recommend? I am looking to get two or three fish if
> possible. I will not be getting goldfish again. I have two children, (6 and
> 7) so something suitable for them and that will capture their interest.
> I want to make sure this time that i am doing this properly and offering
> the fish  good life.
> Any advice appreciated.
> Thanks
> Kez
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