Thursday, May 31, 2012

Re: [tropical fish club] about those plants---------------------------------------


They are very happy plants!

> From: mark speer <>
> about those plants---------------------------------------

>Just added a pic of the plants in a 10g when I first got them before I added a few more
>yssea 2x54w T5HO with 1 6700k and 1 Actinic bulb. I did have inplace of the Actinic a 10000k and liked the lighting better just haven't changed back yet. 4 bottles of DIY CO2 going into the pickup of a powerhead with that white PVC drilled on the output for a distrabution bar as all the CO2 was pretty much going to one side of the tank, now I have micro bubbles throughout the intire tank. Dosing with 1 capful of Seachem Flourish Comp and 2 capfulls Seachem Excel daily with a 50% waterchange weekly. I use API Stress Zyme+ and don't sweep the gravel so I don't sweep up the smaller plants like the Micro Sword that I didn't list. This is my first attempt at a planted tank myself but all is going good (Knock on wood). pH out of tap is 7.6 but after adding CO2 it drops to like 6.4, never took some out and aired it for 24
>hours to test to see what actual ph in the tank is, gH 179, kH 53.7-71.6 depending on when I test (before or after w/c). Fell free to ask questions, I'll do my best to help you put if I can. Mark

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