Tuesday, July 31, 2012

[PONDERS_INTERNATIONAL] Re: emergency total pond restore


Thankfully you didn't lose any fish! Sounds as if you have the problem solved as well!!!!

--- In PONDERS_INTERNATIONAL@yahoogroups.com, "twilightfreakzzz" <dianemifflin@...> wrote:
> Oh my has it been a very stressfull couple days I notice pond is low on water so I fill it up and leave for dinner come home pond lost almost all water again turns out my two yr old liner got a hole in it very odd. Becuze its above ground with landscape timbers and there was no ruff spots so I moved in twelve fish two of which are atleast twelve inches long to my small fishtank. Waited few hrs for some help installed newspaper a tarp then my new liner wasn't cheap at lowes like eighty dollars for a rubber liner now fish are back in pond

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