Hi Nora,
Happy to help! your tank sounds like it is going great, well done.
On 20 July 2012 04:19, nonstopmom888 <ehebens@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> **
> Hi again,
> to end the speculation about the amount of fish in our second tank:
> no there are not 100 fish in our 10 G tank.
> I am sorry that my message caused this amount of confusion and worries
> among some members!
> Al had criticized the amount of fish knowing only about 1 Betta, 2 platy
> and two schools of Tetra and I had wanted to point out that he was lacking
> detailed information... (I had not planned on worrying anybody about 100
> fish in 10G)
> So 2 schools with less than 50 each are exactly
> 5 Neon Tetras and 7 other small Tetras which name I forgot...
> So according to the 1 inch per gallon rule they might be many (1 Betta, 2
> platies, 5 neons and 7 other small Tetra) but on the other hand the water
> quality is very good and the tank is full with live plants. The platies
> enjoy each others company and the Tetra schools are just beautiful.... The
> Betta patrols mostly the upper part of the tank but explores from time to
> time every corner. They all interact peacefully with each other.
> So since we stocked this tank after a fishless cycle maybe 2 months ago no
> fish died and they all appear happy and healthy.
> I hope that calms down the worries a little bit!
> I know that in comparison to other experienced fish owners I/we are quite
> some beginners and it is an ongoing journey. But I am hopeful with constant
> learning and the message exchange with this forum some mistakes at least
> can be avoided....
> Thanks everybody,
> Nora
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We Thank You in Advance for Your HELP in this matter.
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