Sunday, August 5, 2012

RE: [Flyfishing The West] Tenkara


Hey Brian how was the fishing? We've been fishing for the past two weeks
and have found it a tough go in most places, we had some luck on the Jeff in
MT, struck out on the Beaverhead one day, very slow on the lower Big Hole,
the South Fork produced but not like it normally does and the Henry's Fork
is slow too. The Teton in the Canyon Section was our best fishing and we
did very well.

So what is the Tenkara? Never heard of it.


[] On Behalf Of LCARRIGAN_55
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2012 9:56 PM
Subject: [Flyfishing The West] Tenkara

Finished a day of Yellowstone back country fly-fishing w/ my Tenkara IWANA
set-up. I am now hooked on Tenkara fly-fishing! The lightest, easiest yet
beautifully delicate fly-fishing I have ever done. Just have to experience
it to become a convert. Not hanging up my G Loomis by any means but for back
country, Tenkara's the way to go. Leave it to the Japanese to combine
minimalism with such an artistic flair that you end up with a new experience
in fly-fishing.

Brian Carrigan
Blackfoot, ID

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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