Sunday, September 2, 2012

Re: [tropical fish club] OT: Unusual use for small-diameter air hose


Genius! We'll have to add air line tubing to the list of can fix anything along with Duct Tape and a hanger ;=))

> From: Bill Z <>
> OT: Unusual use for small-diameter air hose

>My GF broke her eyeglass frames the other day
>and the part that extends around the ear was
>broken into 2 pieces. This was a sunday night
>and unlike me, I discovered that she had no
>"back-up" glasses to use in an emergency.
>Worse yet, the nursing home she works for is
>in the process of changing insurers and she
>would have to pay everything herself if she
>couldn't wait a couple of weeks.
>I noticed that both ends of the glasses were
>approx the same size as the clear plastic
>tubing that attaches to the air pump and sure
>enough, I was able to cut off about an inch
>and connect it to both sides of the frame that
>was broken.
>This worked very well and the only problem
>is, when she take them off she can't close
>Bill Z

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



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