Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Re: [tropical fish club] any reefers


thanks Dawn,

I think i will end up doing a small reef tank, going to start very slow though. I going to start looking on the used site for odds and ends to save me monies buying new. I'm going to buy the saltwater mixed already, as the store a few blocks away does that, and since i'll have to go out and buy the water anyway, makes sense to buy the water all ready for the tank. I don't have the space to keep much extra. I have been thinking how i could set up a sump which sounds like it would be a good idea. have my 25 gal plus a 10/15 gal sump underneath. I'm going to look around for a stand that i could keep a sump underneath. The person at the reef store told me having a sump isn't important but it would give me more gallons, right, so better for the animals. thanks again

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