Monday, October 1, 2012

Re: [tropical fish club] ick and clown loaches


sorry to hear you lost your betta to dropsy. I have three betta and they are one of my favourte fish. the only reason i'm nervous about using meds with the clown loach is that being scaleless its very easy to overdose them. I would love to hear other ppls experiences treating their clown loaches and what med was the safest. I'm also nervous since they are such young fish.

From: Cari
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [tropical fish club] ick and clown loaches

I am a total newbie, so take me advice with a grain of salt. I had a beautiful new that got white spots soon after he came home. I figured stress. I didn't want to use antibiotics because he was completely acting normally - eating, interactive, swimming all over. I just personally don't like using (overusing) antibiotics unless totally necessary. I treated him conservatively with methylene blue baths and salt. He did get better in that the external white spots healed, but he got dropsy and I lost him quick. I think once he started acting sick it was too late. The tank was cycled, he was alone in the tank, he was from a reputable place.

Based on my one time newbie experience - I say, if the mess are safe, great them at the very first sign and potentially save your fish. I wish I gave him the antibiotics as people on this board suggested.

I'm curious to see what others say.

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