Hi Dave,
With it being winter the board has been quiet. I know Giancarlo has spoken lots on CO2 if you search past messages using the key words Giancarlo and CO2 you should find loads. His site is here: oops I see its down right now it says Google Crome has shut it down because of Malware being on it..
> From: david hall bushrdchapel@yahoo.com>
>To: "tropicalfishclub@yahoogroups.com" tropicalfishclub@yahoogroups.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 7:36 AM
>Subject: [tropical fish club] Fw: advice
>I cannot believe that with 1639members, no one can offer any advice re my first post.
>C'mon folk, someone must have something to say re CO2:-)
>Click on the hunger site and help feed the hungry.
>----- Forwarded Message -----
>From: david hall bushrdchapel@yahoo.com>
>To: "tropicalfishclub@yahoogroups.comtropicalfishclub@yahoogroups.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, 26 February 2013, 10:24
>Subject: Newby
>Just joined
>the list.
>I have kept tropicals on and off since a youngster, now
>I am old enough to remember the '60's.Just got a Fluval 200 tank and
>need advice on CO2.Anyone have experience of C)2 systems. I read
>manufactures blurb re 4 bubbles per minute and my Practical
>Fishkeeping mag says 30ppm. Not sure what ppm means.
>Any advice gratefully
>Click on the hunger site and help feed the hungry.
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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