Friday, May 31, 2013

Re: [AquaticLife] Re: Question about fishy smell


Hi Dawn

Thank you for your kind response. 

EHEIM Pro 3e has - Mechpro 25% and substratpro 75%.(canister is 8L capacity)
EHEIM 2260 has ceramic rings 50%  and Mechpro 50%.(canister is 18L)

Water is changed around 20%-25% every alternate day, i need to clear the droppings etc, big cagey about messing up water quality, such large volume will get difficult to rectify and it takes time to get spoiled too i guess. When i remove droppings i also sort of churn a piece of substrate to get buried smaller particles too. The filters are cleaned every 2-3 months. I do not clean both at the same time, give some 2 weeks or so inbetween. 

In case it helps, the water parameters are:


Input tapwater is 7.4 KH and GH is the same

Kindly do let me know if any other information is required please.

Thanks & Regards

From: dawnshungryeyes4u2c <>
Sent: Saturday, 1 June 2013 1:15 AM
Subject: [AquaticLife] Re: Question about fishy smell

Can you tell us what filter medias you are using and what water change schedule you have for this tank? How often are you doing water changes? How much water at a time? How often are you changing or cleaning filter medias?


--- In, "Siva" <sub_mails@...> wrote:
> Hi all
> I have 4 tanks, and the biggest is 6x2x2(180G/640L) capacity. I am unable to correlate, but now and then i get sort of fish smell.
> It is non-planted tank, with sand substrate, community tank having reasonably large fishes, like tinfoil, BGK, synodontis, archer, blue dolphin etc. Has some root-driftwood and some rocks and mud & plastic pipe for my BGK. Most of the tank inmates are 6in and above. Runs an EHEIM 2260 and EHEIM Professional 3e 2078.
> Strangely i do not get the same smell in other tanks, the other tanks have the normal water/mud smell. Any clues ? The remaining 3 tanks, one is barebottom and others are planted.
> Water parameters are normal, the tank has been around for 2 years or so, and reestablished 6 months back when i had to move into another apartment.
> Do let me know if you require any information.
> Thank you for your kind reply.
> Regards
> Siva
> Bangalore,India

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