As far as I know my rams were just a male and a female so replacing the male
shouldn't be a problem as soon as I can find them that is.
From: J. C. <>
Sent: Wed, December 22, 2010 2:06:54 AM
Subject: Re: [tropical fish club] Replacing dead fish is not an easy task
I raised alot of rare fish. When buying pair or even trios the loss of one fish
means the money spent is most often a loss. Killies are a good example. You
rarely if ever see any type of killie in pet shops. So you order over the net.
With rare types there is nearly always limit numbers of ofspring. I try to
purchase 2 trios if the person has extra females or 3 pair. It makes getting a
strain going much easier. I also purchased batches of eggs for killies and got
all male or all female or none survive to adulthood(son decided to feed the baby
fish Nesquick strawberry syrup the largest one day loss).
Replacing a fish in a community tank for the most part is easy. All the
livebearers you find in pet shops can be found in different color patterns if
not the same color. Even purchasing pair of some types is easy. If your rams had
not bred you did not have a pair you just had a male and female. Even if they
had bred rams are more forgiving about taking another mate than some are. Angels
are a pain in the butt to pair up. Angels for the most part need to choose their
partner for them to be a sucess at breeding. I had a few mixed angels in a tank
and ended up with 2 pair that raised like crazy as long as I took the eggs away
before wiggler stage. I watched closely and noted which was the male of each
pair. Well since it ended up I had a pair of one type I split the pairs and made
2 new pairs. Neither pair ever produced. When added back to the community tank I
got another pair as one male chose a different female. so again I learned buy
more of each
single type of fish you want to breed. It is easier to find homes for the extras
than to "make" pairs.
Later, John
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Monday, December 27, 2010
Re: [tropical fish club] Replacing dead fish is not an easy task
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