Thursday, March 31, 2011

Re: [tropical fish club] How many can I have now I have five new baby Platys?


Keep your eye on free cycle and craigs list. No sense in paying full price for
new when you get get used.

From: Erika <effervescentbirdsong@yahoo.How many can I have now I have five new
baby Platys?

I would like to add some Tetras to my smallish thirty-five gallon aquarium. But,
now that I have the five Platy babies I want to be sure not to put too many fish
at one time.
If the Platy's breed on a regular basis I might have trouble finding homes for
I am not sure if the fish store will take my fish that are different species
from each other. They don't seem to mind though maybe the store won't either.
I know I will have to reduce some of the platys. Or perhaps, I will keep them
all and if I get more babies give those ones away. Or buy another aquarium.I
wish I could afford a new one hundred and fifty or eighty.
I can see a trend here though.
Thanks for your all of your help,folks.:)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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